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Sculptures, decorative objects.
D.&.D creation.



Mood lamp.


Title: The Sleeping Horsewoman.  


mood lamp.

title: The Sleeping Cavalier.








The apprehension of the Wolf who for  

               to be reassured to take with him the turtle                

who needs adventure.  

The bird prisoner of men,  

throws himself for the first time into the void.  

The wolf, the turtle, the bird,  

so much diversity yet you have to jump  

to go to freedom.




The dog has just left the house where he was there for no reason.

On the way he makes an alliance with a bird which also flees

his refuge which reduces him and makes him unhappy.

So they make alliances.

The fear of emptiness, should we jump…..  

in the test, there is no longer any difference.

     sculpture lamp, possibility of making a bronze proof.                                                        


The apprehension of the wolf who for
be reassured to take the turtle with him
who needs adventure.
The bird prisoner of men,
throws himself into the void for the first time.
The wolf, the turtle, the bird,
so much diversity yet you have to jump
to go towards Freedom.


The dog has just left the house where he was there for no reason.
On the way he makes an alliance with a bird that also flees
his refuge which reduces him and makes him unhappy.
So they make alliances.
Fear of heights, you have to jump...
in the event, there is no longer a difference.
  sculpture lamp, possibility of drawing a bronze proof.


Lamp. Large format 光 Guang 02  (light)

Large format lamp 光 Guāng 02 (light)

private collection.

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Constantin lamp.

Constantine had sculpted the world into an endless column, I had

I too saw as a child the origin of his inspiration and later, without knowing it, I had in my own way reproduced columns without influence.

We had shared the same air, the dust of the footsteps on the ground,  him a man, me a child.

I would have liked to be his friend.

private collection.

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The Troyes horse.

Private collection.






An evocation of the dog who became king of Andalusia in the shade of a large oak tree,

who alone reigned over his kingdom, trapped in a golden cage.


An evocation of the dog who became king of Andalusia in the shade of a large oak tree,
who alone reigned over his kingdom, trapped in a golden cage.

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 Table en chêne.

année 1950 remise à niveau,

lampe le poisson jongleur 1994, support en cube bois, sélection des deux ensembles,

présentation Home pamplemousse septembre.  octobre 2022.

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                  Meuble  année 1960.

 En pin et placage.

Réinterprétation création Dappoigny plasticien.

Pose de pieds alu, ponçage, application de 3 couches de peinture noir satin, pose de grille métallique dans les portes, réfection du mécanisme de portes coulissantes.


L 100 cm X l 27 cm X H 60cm.

                   Lampe création 2022.

Lampe, bois de structure en chêne,

hauteur 85 cm avec abat-jour,

socle en béton de 2O X 20 cm avec deux sculptures en incrustations en fragment.


                   Le dernier refuge 2023.                                        Lampe, bois et terre plastic, sculpture.


lampe. Lettre à mon grand-père.                                                                            Bois chêne, socle béton gris avec incrustations, h 163 cm sans abat jour, éps 6 cm, socle 30 cm X 18 cm, signes sur une face représentant une écriture traduite en un conte. 


TRADUCTION de BAS EN HAUT LECTURE.                                    La route était dangeureuse, j’ai rencontré la tortue puis en sautant j’aperçus L’oiseau, bien plus loin à environ 3 pas je vis la Lune qui me dit Bonne nuit, elle parlait à la chèvre, je continuais mon chemin toute en finisant la lettre que je voulais t’envoyer demain sans faute et finis par m’endormir au pied d’un arbre, je t’aime grand père.

Fait en 1 seul exemplaire, signé en dessous DATE 2022.

TABLE .L 80 cm X  l 50 cm X H 80 cm.


 STYLE LOUIS XV, chêne avec tiroir central.
L'ensemble remise à niveau peinture  LUBERON noir Queue et pieds couleur OR. Bouton couleur bronze orne le tiroir ainsi que la garniture. 

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